Sunday, March 14, 2010

My Body

Ewwww... As I am losing the weight, my body is getting saggy. If it is not one thing it is another. I know that I will have saggy skin but it is dishearting. this battle is just that, a battle. If I am not fighting in my life at whatever outside influences are knocking at my door or in my face, I am fighting my inner demons. I have a feeling I am going to become anorexic. I don't know why. I am scared.
I have another problem.GRRRR I am working out 5 days aweek going to make it six or even seven. I am not losing weight, I am watching what I eat, which is not make to begin with. I am really getting bummed out about this. I am already a wek person, fragile and this is making it harder for me to be positive.Saturday I thought I felt pretty and sexy. I was wrong. I am stuck at 225, with flabby , nasty body, and the mind of digust.
