Thursday, July 23, 2009

Pissed and sad.. what a combo...

I am pissed because everything that could go wrong will go wrong, has gone wrong. I don't talk abt any of it because it starts and ends with me bitching. What is it that I have to bitch about. Nothing really, except that my desktop is acting stupid and on my laptop something as been taken off the computer so of course that doesn't work. I wonder why did I have to have the the nice gene. Hell, I can't even say no after being crapped on. Talking in general not about one person.
I have not had solid food in FOUR days, FOUR DAYS. It wouldn't be so bad if everything didn't revolve around, because it does. Right now it does. I don't know.
I have been telling myself the heck with it. Then I look up, at the pictures I took of myself. Is this what I want to look like or keep getting bigger? NO!!! forgive me I am throwing random thoughts. This is why I started this bloggin thing so I could vent release what I would through food. I think I am at the point where is there left to go? No where, no where but down.
I have 3 days left. I need to get out dance in the rain, walk, talk, sing anything to keep me going till Monday. The weekends are the hardest for me. Ok I think I have gotten everythign and nothing out in this blog.


1 comment:

  1. Kim,
    You are over halfway there. Monday is just around the corner.

    This weekend, STAY BUSY!

    Weekends are hard with the food temptations. I find that if I busy myself, whether it's getting out to the park or walking around the mall or taking a hike or even cleaning the house, I don't even think about food.

    You're doing great - hang in there - focus on the goal; a healthier YOU!

    Thinking of you,
